NJtaxlieninvestor.com was founded and developed by two attorneys who were trained at some of the top law firms in the country. The founders have a combined 20-plus years of legal experience, specializing in corporate and real estate law. In addition, they have experience outside of the legal context in the real estate, retail and financial services industries, both domestic and international.
NJtaxlieninvestor.com is New Jersey's easiest and most cost-effective way to obtain up-to-date tax lien auction information for ALL of the 566 municipalities in New Jersey.
Every tax lien investor knows of the tremendous benefits of investing in tax liens -- the double digit returns, the low-risk, the ability to purchase real estate for pennies on the dollar -- to name only a few. And, given the OPPORTUNITY, anyone -- even first-time investors -- can purchase tax liens at tax lien auctions. It's really that simple. But getting that opportunity is easier said than done in New Jersey where tax lien auctions are conducted independently by each of the 566 municipalities of New Jersey (rather than on a county-wide basis as is the case with most other states).
At NJtaxlieninvestor.com, our mission is to empower each and every one of our subscribers with the information they need to invest in one of the most profitable and time-tested investment vehicles of all time. At NJtaxlieninvestor.com, we have taken on the task of finding, compiling and organizing the tax lien auction information for each of the 566 municipalities in New Jersey. The lists we provide our subscribers are the EXACT same ones that are published by the tax collector of each municipality and include the time and date of auction, the liens being sold, the properties affected and the outstanding tax lien amounts. The only difference is with NJtaxlieninvestor.com you don't have to spend countless hours trying to track down the information yourself. We do all of the work for you. But, the best part of NJtaxlieninvestor.com is that a subscription costs only A FRACTION of what it would cost you to obtain the information yourself. Simply subscribe to the service, log on and click on the county and municipality you are interested in and the information is all there. It's that simple and easy. We will also provide you automatic email updates of upcoming tax lien auctions for no additional charge so that you don't even have to log on until there is a tax lien auction you are targeting.
If information is power, then NJtaxlieninvestor.com subscribers are some of the most powerful investors in the New Jersey tax lien industry.
Some time ago, when we set out to invest in New Jersey tax liens ourselves, we were confronted with the unfortunate reality that what should be relatively simple - obtaining tax lien auction dates and listings - was actually an overwhelming and daunting task. Because the law requires that each municipality be responsible for conducting its own tax lien auction, the tax lien industry in New Jersey is incredibly fragmented (into 566 pieces to be exact!). As a result, getting tax lien auction information in New Jersey is a labor-intensive, time-consuming and expensive endeavor. To complicate matters further, tax collectors can choose to have their auction whenever they choose so you never know when one might be coming up. On top of that, some listings are only available if you purchase the local newspaper a couple of weeks before the scheduled auction date.
Overall, we found that the biggest hurdle to investing in tax liens in New Jersey was getting the tax lien auction listings themselves. Put simply, it's a process that requires a lot of free time and money - two commodities that most of us don't have too much of. That's when we at NJtaxlieninvestor.com decided to put together a comprehensive listing of ALL of the tax lien auctions in the entire State of New Jersey and enable any investor to access such information - all with just a click of the mouse. Now, rather than wasting your time tracking down tax lien auction listings, you simply need to log-on to NJtaxlieninvestor.com and you will be on your way to earning those double-digit returns and purchasing real estate for pennies on the dollar.
Bottom line: there is no faster, easier or cheaper way to get tax lien auction information in New Jersey than a subscription to NJtaxlieninvestor.com!